Uzbek Chemical Journal

Volume Nr 5



UDK УДК 661.183.12

N.M.Abdutalipova, S.M.Turobjonov


Tashkent chemical – technological institute, Tashkent

Abstract. Background. One of the main sources of pollution of soil, water reservoirs, aquifers and agricultural land with heavy metals are chemical production wastewater. If inefficient wastewater treatment heavy metals fall into natural water bodies, soil and through the food supply paths reach the man. Also important is the fact that the annual loss of tens of thousands of tons of heavy metals discharged with the wastewater of industrial enterprises, damage the economy.

Thus, the particular importance has the search for resource-saving technologies for the extraction of metal ions from industrial waste water and their return to production. Therefore, in recent years synthesis and study of the basic physical and chemical, kinetic properties of domestic sorbents on the basis of the available cheap raw materials and also produced using wastes are of great importance.

Purpose. The aim of a research was to establish conditions for the formation of a stationary front of copper (II) ions to be absorbed under static conditions in the H- and Na-form of ANKBF ampholyte containing in its composition aminocarboxylic ionic groups, assessment of limiting stage of ions diffusion, study of kinetic characteristics of the process and the possibility of applying for copper sorption from copper-ammonia solution solutions.

Methodology. In the present study were used the following methods: static exchange capacity was determined according to GOST 20255.1- 89; determination of pH environment was carried out on the pH meter pH-410 AKVILON; determination of copper ions was determined by iodometric method as described in [1].

Originality. There were studied kinetics and mechanism of copper ions sorption from the copper-ammonia solution that was used for cleaning conversion gas at “MAXAM-CHIRCHIQ” JSC on the new aminocarboxylic sorbent “ANKBF” in H- and Na-forms synthesed from furfural and vat residues of nitrile acrylic acid production at JSC "Navoiazot".

Findings. It was revealed that the resulting ANKBF ampholyte has a sufficiently high kinetic rates and could be used in process of copper sorption from copper-ammonia solutions.

Keywords: ampholyte, copper-ammonia solution, diffusion coefficient, half-time, activation energy.


* There were studied the mechanism of copper ions sorption.

* There were established that nature of sorption has internal diffusion mechanism.

* There were found diffusion coefficients, the activation energy of the process of sorption.

Citation: N.M.Abdutalipova, S.M.Turobjonov. Study of sorption kinetics and mechanisms of interaction of ions of copper from a copper-ammonia solutions on synthesed ampholyte // Uzbek chemical journal. -2016. –Nr5. –P.3-8.

Received: 11.08.2016; Accepted: 28.10.2016; Published: 31.10.2016


1. Bankauskaite A., Baltakys K.  The sorption of copper ions by gyrolite in alkaline solution // Materials Science– Poland, 2009. – Vol. 27. – Nr 3. – P. 899– 908.

2.  Fernane F., Hadjziane– Zafour A. Treatment water polluted with heavy metal by sorption on hydroxyapatites // ICOEST’2013 – CAPPADOCIA: Сonf. materials. –  June 18– 21, 2013. – Urgup, Turkey, 2013. – P. 1– 6.

3. Turobzhonov S.M., Abdutalipova N.M., Nazirova R.A.       Poluchenie novyh aminokarboksil'nyh amfolitov s zaranee zadannymi svojstvami // Austrien Journal of technical and Natural Sciences. – Vena,  2016. – Nr3– 4. –  S. 51– 55.

4. Abdutalipova N.M. Tursunov T.T. Izuchenie reakcii fosforilirovanija anionita na osnove stirola, furfurola i polijetilenpoliamina // Himija himicheskaja tehnologija. – Tashkent, 2012. – Nr1. –  S.– 35– 37.

5. Bobkova L.A., Zharkova V.V., Kozik V.V., Dinamika sorbcii ionov medi (II) i kobal'ta (II) makrosetchatym karboksil'nym kationitom KB – 2Je– 10 // Izv. Tomskogo politeh. un– ta. – Tomsk, 2014. –  T.324. –  Nr3. –  S. 74– 80.

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UDK 541.64.67

F.B. Eshkurbonov


SUE Tashkentsky research institute of chemical technology, E-mail:

Abstract. Background. Wide use of complexons in various field of science and equipment demands knowledge of the main physical and chemical constants of the complexes formed by them, studying of all variety of the factors influencing a complex formation including, and knowledge of constants of dissociation of complexons.

Purpose. For the purpose of identification of perspective scopes of the received anionit their sorption ability to ions of some metals depending on the nature and concentration of metal-kompleksoobrazovatelya, рН, the ionic force of solution, chemical structure of anionit is investigated.

Methodology. It is shown kompleksoobrazuyushchy properties to methods of electrometric titration, and also IK – spectroscopy.

Originality. New multifunctional is synthesized anionit product-based interactions on the basis of thiourea (T), epichlorohydrin (EHG) and a polietilenpoliamin (PEPA) form complex connections with cations of some transitional metals.

Findings. In IR spectrums of anionit there is a change of intensity of strips of absorption to areas 2000-1600 and 800-660 of cm-1 (disappearance of a strip of absorption in case of 1650-1380 cm-1, broadening of a strip in case of 1400-1070 cm-1), the responsible for asymmetric and symmetric fluctuations ionized sulfur-containing groups. In long-wave area there are strips of 870-668 and 970-870 cm-1 that is connected with formation of complex communications of the researched ions with nitrogen and oxygen of functional groups. About formation of complexes anionit – metal is witnessed by data IK – spectroscopy (fig. 1). In all cases in ranges there are characteristic strips (1400 – 1300 cm-1) of communication of N-Me.

Keywords. the complex formation, anionit, IR spectrum, amino groups, constants, copper ions.


* We have determined static sorption capacities by ions of Cu2+, Zn2+, Cd2+, Pb2+.

* SSE for Zn2+ -3,8 - 4,1; Cu2+- 4-4,7; Pb2+ - 3,4-4,3; and Cd2+ - 3,1 - 3,9 mg-ek/g for.

Citation: F.B. Eshkurbonov. Processes of the complex formation of ions of non-ferrous metals with multifunctional anionitami  // Uzbek chemical journal. -2016. –Nr5. –P.9-13.

Received: 08.04.2016; Accepted: 21.10.2016; Published: 31.10.2016


1. Ctroganov V.F., Stroganov I.V. Epoksidnye adgezivy dlya soedineniya polimernыh i raznorodnyh materialov // Izvestiya KGASU – 2013, -Nr3 (25) –S. 92-97.

2. E.E. Ergojin, B.E. Begenova. Polielektrolity i kompleksony / Almaty: Print-S. 2010. 164 s.

3. Melnikov  E.A.,  Chalov  T.K.,  Ergojin  E.E.,  Hakimbolatova  K.H., Nikitina A.I. Novye polifunksionalnye anionity na osnove epoksiaminov // Materialy mezhdunar.molodezhnoy nauchno-prakt. konf. «Alfred Nobel i dostizheniya mirovoy nauki issivilizatsii za 110 let». Kazan, 2011. – S.68–69.

4. Muxamediev M.G., i dr. Voloknistye ionoobmennye polimernye kompleksoobrazuyushie materialy na osnove «Nitrona» // Materialy respub. nauchnoy konf. posvyashennoy 95-letiyu akad. X.U.Usmanova «Sovremennye problemy polimernoy nauki» g. Tashkent 2011 g. 20-21 oktyabrya. s. 92-94.

5. Gafurova D.A. Poluchenie ionoobmennyh materialov na osnove nitrona// Resp. nauchno-prak. konf. «Aktualnye problemy himii vysokomolekulyarnyh soedineniy». Buxara, 9-10 aprelya 2010g. S. 66-67.

6. Muhamediev M.G., Gafurova D.A. Sorbsiya ionov Cu(II) kompleksoobrazuyushim voloknistym materialom na osnove nitrona // Tezisy dokl. konf. molodyx uchenyx IXFP «Aktualnye problemy nauki o polimerax», 2010g. S. 56-57.

7. Askarov M.A. i dr. Issledovanie poverhnostno-aktivnyh svoystv oligomera epihlorgidrina s dietilaminodifurilsilanom metodom elektrokapillyarnyx krivyh // Uzbekskiy himicheskiy zhurnal. -Tashkent, 2010.   -Nr6. -S.18-20.

8. Ismailov A.I., i dr. Sintez azot-, galogen- i kremniysoderzhashih polimernyh i oligomernyh antiperenov // Uchastie molodyh uchenyh v reshenii problemnyx zadach po sovershenstvovaniyu tehniki i tehnologii hlopkoochistitelnoy, tekstilnoy, legkoy i poligraficheskoy promyshlennostey: Tezisy dokl. respubl. nauchno-prakt. konf. molodyh uchenyh i studentov. -Tashkent, 2010.-S.157.

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12. Djalilov A.T., Turaev H.H., Eshkurbonov F.B., Kasimov SH.SH. Izuchenie fiziko-himicheskix svoystv sintezirovannogo komplekso-obrazuyushego anionita// Uzb.him.jurn. – 2013. -Nr1. – S.10-12.


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УДК 636.085.65.120

D.M. Tuychiyeva, M.A. Rahimdjanov


Andijan machine-building institute, Andijan,  e-mail:

Abstract. Background. Pests of grainspread widely around the world and they affect different types of grain products during storage. These insects are well adapted to the environmental conditions, and quickly grow. Especially they grow quickly in the moist condition and condition that there not airy. Apart from pests, birds and rodents would be cause to reduce the mass of grain. The main pests of grain stocks are insects that contribute to grain losses of up to 6%. Pests destroy quantity and impair the quality of grain products. Some pests can be dangerous to human health and animals. The activities of pest control of companies for the storage of grain are complex, expensive, and requires a full stop of production. Therefore, method using a microwave (super high frequency) radiation, electrical fields and other physical methods,which do not require production stoppage are considerably interesting.

Purposes. To determine the degree of contamination, the structure of pests of wheat grain mass and the degree of safety of the method with respect to the nutritional value of the grain. Developing an effective method of combating pests of grain.To reduce number of pests that are located in the grain.

Methodology. We used the standard methods of studying the basic parameters of the grain mass stored in silos.

Originality. use physical methods of decontamination the granaries by particular microwave. A method that provides effective pest control while maintaining the germination of seeds. The method can be used to destroy pea weevil in any age over the whole storage period.

Findings. According to the results of experimental studies a method of disinfecting grain mass in storage using microwave radiation has developed, in the most acceptable disinfection conditions, which can be widely used in industrial bread production.

Keywords: microwave, pest control, ultra-high frequency, voltage, pests, power, grain, methods, radiation.


* The method provides an effective pest control while maintaining the germination of seeds.

* Use agriculture, electromagnetic treatment processes with the aim of grain disinfestations.

Citation: D.M. Tuychiyeva, M.A. Raximdjanov. Applying method of superhigh frequency storage pests and identify the optimum amount of power, time kill pests //  Uzbek chemical journal. -2016. –Nr5. –P.13-18.

Received: 20.09.2016; Accepted: 14.10.2016; Published: 31.10.2016


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UDK 546.123.4

А.J.Allamuratova, А.U.Erkaev, А.М.Reymov


Tashkent chemical-technological Institute, Tashkent

Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry Uzbek Academy of Science

Abstract. Background. One of practicable ways for using calcium nitrate solution forming during the nitric acid processing low-grade phosphorite from central Kyzylkum is conversion it by ammonium carbonate. The technological scheme developed is based on physico-chemical properties of fourfold mutual aqueous system consisting of calcium nitrate and ammonium carbonate.

Purpose. The aim of research is to study solubility of mutual system of Са2+/2, 2NH4+ // 2NO3-, CO3- - H2O to determine behavior of equilibrium and calcium nitrate conversion condition.  

Methodology. Investigation of phase equilibrium has been conducted by isothermal solubility at a temperature of 30 and 60ºС. After establishing equilibrium it is performed that sample selection from liquid and solid phases to analyze and define place of system figurative point. The samples were analyzed on CaO content by complexonmetrically. N is determined by distilling off the ammonia and titrimetric determination on Kjeldal.  CO2 is determined by rapid volumetric method based on the decomposition of carbonates in hydrochloric acid and determining the amount of evolved carbon dioxide.

Originality. There has been the theoretical foundation of interaction process of calcium nitrate with ammonium carbonate based on solubility diagram study of mutual system of Са2+, 2NH4+// 2NO3-,  CO2- - H2O at temperature of 30 and 60ºС and determined the optimal condition for calcium nitrate processing.

Findings. Based on the theoretical analyzes and experimental data for the first time there have been built the solubility diagram of Са2+, 2NН// 2NО, СO2-H2O at of 30 and 600С, which allowed to define the optimal condition of calcium nitrate with ammonium carbonate conversion. It has been shown that efficiency of Са+ and NН reaches over 99.0% at  while temperature raise leads to it negligible increase. The experimental data on effects of particular processing parameters on product outlet and content in it different salts have confirmed and explained.

Keywords: calcium nitrate, ammonium nitrate, ammonium carbonate, calcium carbonate, solubility, isotherm, liquid and solid phase, and conversion.


* There have been the data on heterogeneous phase equilibriums in the systems.

* There have been built their solubility at 30 and 600С.

* Revealed the concentrated ranges of equilibrium solid phases subsistence.

* The data can be contributed for foundation of technological regime at processing Са(NO3)2

Citation: А.J.Allamuratova, А.U.Erkaev, А.М.Reymov. Study of mutual system solubility of СА2+, 2NH4+// 2NO3-,  CO2- - H2O at 300C and 60ºС  //  Uzbek chemical journal. -2016. –Nr5. –P.19-27.

Received: 03.10.2016; Accepted: 21.10.2016; Published: 31.10.2016


1. Beglov B.M., Namazov Sh.S. Fosfority Centralnyh Kyzylkumov. - Taşkent: FAN, 2013. - 460 s.

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4. Allamuratova A.Z., Erkaev A.U., Toirov Z.K. Fosfokoncentrat iz ryadovoy fosmuki Centralnyh Kyzylkumov // Himiya i himicheskaya tehnologiya.– Nr4. - 2009. - S. 16-20.

5. Allamuratova A.Z., Erkaev A.U. Obogashenie vysokokarbonatnyx fosforitov Centralnyh Kyzylkumov s pomoshu rastvorov nitratnyh soley // DAN Akademii nauk RUz. – Taşkent, 2010. - Nr5. - S. 57-60.

6. Allamuratova A.Z., Erkaev A.U. Tehnologiceskiy kontrol osnovnyh parametrov pererabotki nizkosortnyh fosforitov Centralnyh Kyzylkumov // Himiceskaya tehnologiya. Kontrol i upravlenie.-2010. Nr6. S.19-23.

7. Allamuratova A.Z., Erkaev A.U., Toirov Z.K., Reymov A.M. Tehnologiceskie issledovaniya poluceniya fosforsoderjashih udobreniy iz azotnokislotnoy vytyajki fosforitov Centralnyh Kyzylkumov // Himiceskaya promyshlennost. – Sankt-Peterburg, 2011. - t.88. - Nr3. - S. 109-114.

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10. Fridman S.D., Skum L.S., Kirindasova R.Ja., Belyaeva N.N. Rastvorimost CaCO3 v vodnyh rastvorah nitrata ammoniya // Trudy GIAP.-Vypusk 31. -1975. – S. 5-8.

11. Fridman S.D., Skum L.S., Polyakov N.N., Belyaeva N.N., Kirindasova R.Ja. Konversiya nitrata kalsiya v karbonat kalsiya i nitrat ammoniya // Trudy GIAP. - Vypusk 31. -1975. – S.8-11.

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* * *

U.К.Аlimov, Sh.S. Namazov, А.М.Reymov, B.S.Zakirov


Institute of general and inorganic chemistry, Uzbek Academy of sciences

Abstract. Background.  Double superphosphate is the most perspective phosphoric fertilizer obtaining by phosphoric acid decomposition of natural phosphate (apatite and phosphorite). Double superphosphate is the most effective when applied under autumn ploughing.  Existing approaches for processing phosphate in double superphosphate have some drawbacks that related with quality of phosphate raw material and instruments-technological designs. Advantage of cyclic approach for double superphosphate obtaining concluded in application any kind of phosphate raw material with high decomposition coefficient and reliability of instruments-technological designs.

Purpose. The aim of the study is investigation of neutralization process of mono basic calcium phosphate (MKP) obtained in decomposition washed and burnt phosphate concentrate (WBPC) from Central Kyzyl Kum phosphorites in redundant norm of evaporated wet-process phosphoric acid (WPA) with various reagents.

Methodology. The separation process of MKP off mother solution is realized by centrifugation. The samples of phosphoric fertilizer were analyzed for content of total (Р2О5tot.), acceptable (Р2О5acc..) and water-soluble (Р2О5wat.) form of phosphorus by photo-calorimetric technique, free form (Р2О5free) – potentiometric one, СаО – complexometric one, N – distillation one by Kjeldale.

Originality. The firs time there has been the obtaining process of complex and  single phosphoric fertilizer on cyclic approach depending the pH and norm of Р2О5free in MKP from stoichiometry in a range from 70 to 100 °C.

Findings. The process of WBPC decomposition in evaporated WPA 40.74% Р2О5 concentration with 350% norm of stoichiometry and at a temperature of 85°С, has been conducted. There have been established the optimal regimes for conducting neutralization process of the acidic MKP in 25% solution of ammonia, calcium carbonate, unhydrated lime, WBPC, phosphorite flour (PF), and mineralized mass (MM) at temperature 80°С for 30 min. Complex and single phosphoric fertilizer such as double and triple superphosphate were obtained. It has been found that nitrogen-phosphate fertilizer’s granules possess high static strength not less 3 MPa, and single fertilizer has static strength over 2 MPa.   

Keywords: Washed and burnt phosphate concentrate, wet-processing phosphoric acid, mono basic calcium phosphate, neutralizing agents, fertilizer.


* There are obtained the high acceptable and water-soluble form of phosphoric fertilizer.

* Total nutrients (N + P2O5 + CaO) in NP fertilizer is from 73,63 to 74,24%.

Citation: U.К.Аlimov, Sh.S. Namazov, А.М.Reymov, B.S.Zakirov. Cyclic approach of double and triple superphosphate based on phosphorite from central kyzyl kum //  Uzbek chemical journal. -2016. –Nr5. –P.27-34.

Received: 29.08.2016; Accepted: 07.10.2016; Published: 31.10.2016


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  8.  Moldabekov Sh.М., Jantasov К.Т., Janmoldaev J.К., Altybaev J.М., Balabekov О.S., Koblanova О. Sovremennie naukoemkie tehnologii. N1, 2013, S. 107-112. 
  9.  Kuznetsov А.А. Razrabotka I vnedrenie resursosberegayushey tehnologii fosfornih udobreniy: Disser. v vide nauchnogo doklada na soiskanie uchenoy stepeni doktora tehnicheskih nauk. - Moskva, 1993. - 48 s.
  10.  Alimov U.К., Namazov Sh.S., Seytnazarov А.R., Beglov B.М. Tsirkulyatsioniy sposob polucheniya dvoynogo superfosfata iz fosforitov Tsentralnyh Kyzylkumov//Himicheskaya promyshlennost. Т.90. N8. 2013. S. 375-381.
  11.  Specifies of the recirculating method for Central Kyzyl Kum phosphorites processing to qualified phosphoric fertilizers. Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy. V.50. 2015. PP. 163-170.
  12.  Metody analiza fosfatnogo syrya, fosfornyh i kompleksnyh udobreniy, kormovyh fosfatov / М.М.Vinnik L.N.Erbanova, P.М. Zaytsev i dr. – М.: Himiya, 1975, 218 s.
  13.  Kuvshinnikov I.М. Mineralnye udobreniya I soli. Svoystva I sposoby ih uluchsheniya. –Moskva, «Himiya», 1987, - 256 s.
  14.  GOST 21560.2 – 82. Udobreniya mineralnye. Metody ispytaniya. -М.: Goststandart, 1982. 30 s.
  15. Pozin М.Е. Tehnologiya mineralnyh soley. V 2-h т.-L.: Himiya, 1974.-Т.2.-1556 s.


* * *

UDK 541.124;546.

S. X. Bobokulov, H. N. Bahronov, V.P. Shevchenko, A. A. Nebesniy, J. Sh. Turdiyev


Institute of Material Sciences SPA "PHYSICS - SUN" Academy of Sciences Republic of Uzbekistan,  e - mail:

Abstract. Background. At present, a the high-temperature superconductors with general formula Bi1,7Pb0,3Sr2Ca(n-1)CunOy with n=1÷3 detailed study of preparation for the methods and properties. However, information on the phase-homologues properties with n≥4 is limited. The use of solar energy as a heat source, presumably reduces target phase synthesis time and allowed the possibility of obtaining a phase n≥4.

Purpose. The phase composition of superconductors homologous series Bi1,7Pb0,3Sr2Ca(n-1)CunOy (n=3-20) and definition of the parameters of the unit cell of the superconducting phase, obtained from the glass-crystalline precursors is the main goal of the paper.

Methodology. Synthesis of precursors homologous series Bi1,7Pb0,3Sr2Ca(n-1)CunOy nominal compositions n=3÷20 were carried out under the influence of concentrated solar radiation in the solar oven and solar simulators at a density of radiant flux of ~ 680÷750 W/cm2, followed by quenching melt at over 104grad/sec. The subsequent synthesis was performed by solid phase superconducting method in a muffle furnace.

Originality. The possibility of obtaining glass-superconductive crystalline precursor compounds of the homologous series Bi1,7Pb0,3Sr2Ca(n-1)CunOy (n=3÷20) under the action of concentrated solar radiation, followed by quenching of the melt and the high-temperature superconducting phases synthesis based on the obtained precursors was investigated.

Findings. In the formation of nanosized precursors found crystalline phases, presumably attributed to the low-temperature superconducting phases with n=1 and n=2 and the high temperature superconducting phase with n=3. The formation of new phases, which one is stable up to a temperature of 700°C. The second, is the high-temperature superconducting phase with increased unit cell parameters: a=3,9015 Å; b=3,8184 Å; c=135,5947 Å, existed in a temperature interval of 800÷846°C.

Keywords: a homologous series, the phase composition, the critical temperature, the parameters of the cell, Solar Technology.


* The glass ceramic precursors were synthesized under the influence of concentrated solar energy.

* The HTSC phase (846°C) have increased of the values of cell parameters: a=3,9015 Å; b=3,8184 Å; c=135,5947 Å.

* Increasing the content of CaO and CuO leading to destabilization of the glass phase.

Citation: S. X. Bobokulov, H. N. Bahronov, V.P. Shevchenko, A. A. Nebesniy, J. Sh. Turdiyev. Study of phase composition of the superconductor homologous series Bi1,7Pb0,3Sr2Ca(n-1)CunOy (n = 3-20), obtained from glass crystal precursors synthesized in a solar furnace //  Uzbek chemical journal. -2016. –Nr5. –P.34-41.

Received: 30.06.2016; Accepted: 28.10.2016; Published: 31.10.2016


1. A.I.Golovashkin. VTSP - neobyichnyie ob’ektyi fiziki tverdogo tela. Moskva, 2005 (RIIS FIAN). -S.32.

2. V.Akop`yan, I.Parinov, S.Chang. Sverhprovodimost`: metodyi polucheniya vyisokotemperaturnyih sverhprovodnikov. //Jurnal RELGA. Nauka i tehnika. 2010. -No2[200]. -S.26 - 39.

3. Gopinath S., Subramanian G. Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O. Thin films grown by flash evaporation and pulsed laser deposition // Thesis Submitted to Texas A&M University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Sciense. Texas, December, 2003.-P.82.

4. Yu.D.Tretyakov, E.A.Gudilin, E.S.Ryeddi, G.D.SHmitc. Sovremennyie metodyi polucheniya orientirovannyih tolstyih plenok sverhprovodyas`hih kupratov // Kristallografiya. - 2004. - T.49.- No2. - S.286-293.

5. Mora M., Lopez-Gascon C., Angurel L.A., De la Fuente G.F. The influence of support temperature on Bi-2212 monoliths textured by diode laser zone melting // Supercond. Sci. Technol. 2004.- No17.- P. 1129-1133.

6. Gulamova D.D., Riskiev T.T. Vliyanie sinteza v rasplave pod vozdeystviem koncentrirovannogo solnechnogo izlucheniya na fazovyiy sostav i svoystva oksidnyih soedineniy. // Dokladyi Akademii nauk Uzbekistana, 2014.-No2.- S.124-129.

7. Trombe F., Gilon L., Royere C., Tretement des oxides refractaires au fou solaire de 1000kW du centre National des recherch?  //Scientifique, C.R. Acad.Sc.Paris. -1972. -V.272. –P.P.1971-1973.

8. Prokopenya I.N., Matyavin A.A. Primenenie netradicionnyih istochnikov yenergii //YElektronnyiy uchebno - metodicheskiy kompleks. -2016. -152s.

9. Gulamova D.D, Turdiev J.SH., Uskenbaev D., Mitrofanov Yu., Toshmurodov Yo. Termostoykaya keramika s povyishennoy mehanicheskoy prochnost`yu na osnove titanata alyuminiya, poluchennogo pod vozdeystviem koncentrirovannogo solnechnogo izlucheniya. //Geliotehnika. -2010. -No1. -S.53-56.

10. Gulamova D.D., Turdiev J.SH., SHevchenko V.P. Tekstura i svoystva anizotropnyih keramicheskih materialov, sintezirovannyih v solnechnoy pechi. //Tezisyi dokladov Ezhegodnaya mezhdunarodnaya Konferenciya ogneupors`hikov i metallurgov. Moskva. -2013. -S.92.

11. Gulamova D. D., Turdiev J. SH., Bobokulov S. H., Bahronov H., Nebesnyiy A. Solnechnaya tehnologiya polucheniya i issledovanie svoystv sverhprovodyas`hey keramiki Bi1,7Pb0,3Sr2Ca(n-1)CunOy (n = 3÷5). //Jurnal Novyie ogneuporyi. -2016. -No1. -S.35-38.

12. Acrivos J.V., Chigvinadze J.G., Gulamova D.D. Bond resonance and superconductivity in (Bi1.7Pb0.3Sr2Ca(n-1)CunO2n+4+δ)2  //International Conference Superconducrivity and Magnetism, Turkey, Istanbul. -2012. –S.29-32.

13. S.S.Gorelik, L.N.Rastorguev, YU.A.Skakov. Rentgenograficheskiy i elektronnoopticheskiy analiz. Izd. "Metallurgiya". Moskva. -1970. -S.20 - 21.


* * *

UDK 666.762.1(043)

K.F Tadjiev, D.Sh. Shakarova, N.S. Kurbanova, P.A. Arifov


Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Uzbek Academy of Science

Abstract. Background. High-aluminous refractories are purchased abroad as their local production is lacked. Industry of their production was prevented by suitable alumina containing raw material’s deposit deficiency. However, there are some prerequisites for their production based on high-aluminous anthropogenic waste from Shurtan gas-chemical complex (ShGCC).        

Purpose - developing of charge’s compositions and technological parameters to obtain mullite-corundum refractories based on the used ShGCC sorbent. 

Methodology. The research has been carried out on the basis of sintering mixture of the used ShGCC sorbent with AKF-78 kaolin. Based on the developed compositions and process parameters, there have been produced the pilot batches of high-aluminous chamotte and  mullite-corundum refractories with grade МКS-72.     

Originality. For the first time the samples of mullite-corundum high refractories have been generated and studied based on the used sorbent that is utilized for cleaning polyethylene from ShGCC by sintering with enriched AKF-78 kaolin. The pilot batches of high-aluminous chamotte containing А12О3 over 84 % and mullite-corundum wares based on it are produced. 

Findings. The mullite and mullite-corundum refractories are synthesized by sintering the used ShGCC sorbent with AKF-78 kaolin under ratio 60-90 % at 1600 оС. In the ceramic workshop of JSC “UzKTJM”, the pilot batch of mullite-corundum chamotte containing 84% of А12О3 has been produced by sintering wares from molding containing 85% of fractionated mullite-corundum chamotte with 15% of AKF-78 kaolin at 1550 оС. The pilot batch of mullite-corundum bricks marked as МКS-72 meeting the requirements of State Standard 24704-96 is obtained.  

Keywords: high-aluminous refractories, local raw material, sorbent-waste, chemical- mineralogical compositions, pilot samples, physical-chemical and mechanical properties, mullite-corundum wares.     


* The refractories based on sintering of industrial waste and AKF-78 kaolin are obtained and studied.

* The pilot batches of high-aluminous chamotte and mullite-corundum wares are produced. 

Citation:  K.F Tadjiev, D.Sh. Shakarova, N.S. Kurbanova, P.A. Arifov. Production technology of high-alumina refractories on the basis of shurtan gas-chemical complex used sorbent  and enriched kaolin //  Uzbek chemical journal. -2016. –Nr5. –P.41-47.

Received: 06.09.2016; Accepted: 28.10.2016; Published: 31.10.2016


  1. Allenshteyn Y. I dr. Ogneupornie materiali. Struktura, svoystva, ispitanya. Spravochnik.; pod red. G. Rouchka, Ch. Butnau; per. s nem.; -  М., Intermet Injiniring, 2010, 392 s.
  2. Kasheev I.D. I dr. Himicheskaya technologiya ogneuporov. — М.: Intermet Injiniring, 2007. — 752 s.
  3. Monem Soltan A.,  Pöllmann H., R. Kaden,  König A.,    Abd EL-Raoof F., Mona EltaherM. Serry. Degradation of aluminosilicate refractories: An integrated approach. Journal of the European Ceramic Society.V. 35, I.16, 2015, P.4573–4592.
  4. Stjernberg J., Olivas-Ogaz M.,  Antti M., Ion J., Lindblom B.. Laboratory scale study of the degradation of mullite/corundum refractories by reaction with alkali-doped deposit materials. Ceramics International. V.39, I.1, 2013, P.791–800.
  5. Tomba Martinez A.G.,  Camerucci M.A.,  Cavalieri A.L., Martorello L., Galliano P.G. Sintering behavior of periclase–doloma refractory mixes.  Journal of the European Ceramic Society. V.29, I.4, 2009, P.581–586.
  6. Liu G., Li J., Chen K. Combustion synthesis of refractory and hard materials: A review International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. V. 39, 2013, P.90–102.
  7. Szczerba J.,  Pędzich Z.,  Nikiel M.,  Kapuścińska D. Influence of raw materials morphology on properties of magnesia-spinel refractories. Journal of the European Ceramic Society V.27, I.2–3, 2007, P.1683–1689.
  8. Li A., Zhang H., Yang H. Evaluation of aluminum dross as raw material for high-alumina refractory. Ceramics International. V.40, I.8, Part A, 2014, P.12585–12590.
  9. GOST 2409. Materiali i izdeliya ogneupornie. Metod opredeleniya vodopoglosheniya, kajueysya plotnosti, otkritoy i obshey poristosti. 2002, 6 s.
  10. GOST 2211. Izdeliya, sire i materiali ogneupornie. Metodi opredeleniya plotnosti. 2004, 6 s.
  11. GOST 4071. Izdeliya ogneupornie. Metod opredeleniya predela prochnosti pri sjatii. 1996, 4 s.
  12. GOST 5402. Izdeliya ogneupornie. Metod opredeleniya dopolnitelnoy lineynoy usadki ili rosta. 2001, 6 s.
  13. Strelov K.K. Teoreticheskie osnovi tehnologii ogneupornih materialov. М., 1985, 480 s.
  14. Karklit A.K., Tichonova L.A. Ogneupori iz visokoglinozemistogo sirya. М., 1974, 151 s.
  15. Andrews A., Nsiah-Baafi E., Gawu S. K.Y., Olubambi P.A. Synthesis of high alumina refractories from lithomargiz clay. Ceramics International, V.40, I. 4, 2014, P.6071-6075.
  16.  Poluboyarinov D.N., Balkevich V.L., Popilskiy R.Ya. Visokoglinozemistie keramicheskie i ogneupornie materiali. 1960, 232 s.
  17. GOST 24704-94. Izdeliya ogneupornie korundovie i visokoglinozemistie. Tehnicheskie usloviya. 1996, 5 s.

* * *


UDK 532.64 (088.8)

E.T.Safarov, V.P.Guro, M.A.Ibragimova


Institute of general & inorganic chemistry of Uzbekistan Academy of sciences, Tashkent city, Uzbekistan

Abstract. Background. The charge for the granulation of molybdenite concentrate at JSC "Almalyk GMK" contains up to 10% kaolin, reducing the Mo content in the cinder. An alternative composition o the kaolin based on polymer SK (0.7% in the batch, with a residual concentration of 2% kaolin) is developed devoid of this disadvantage. However, in the process of testing its negative feature - corrosive effect to metal furnace and sticking of granules is revealed.

Purpose. Creating a batch granulation composition, facilitating the extraction of Re and Mo-Mo-concentrate cinder devoid of negative characteristics - corrosive effect on metal parts of baking oven and pellet blocking.

Methodology. The approach is based on a comparison of the strength and processing characteristics of binders: kaolin and alternatives to it, of organic nature, a part of the granules and cinders of Mo concentrate. The kinematic viscosity of the binder solution was measured by viscometer VPJ-2. Granules of  Mo-concentrate were calcined at 600 °C. Durability was evaluated under a load. Elemental analysis of pellets was fulfilled at Perkin-Elmer spectrometer 3030V and 7500 Aligent ICP MS.

Originality. Organic binders have been developed, balling charge components of Mo concentrate, based on the product of the hydrolysis of polyacrylonitrile and polyacrylamide-GS.

Findings. SC-N product is proposed, which is produced by hydrolysis of polyacrylonitrile at molar ratio: NaOH = 1.0: 0.6, in contrast to the SC polymer (1.0: 1.0), neutralized to pH 7 with H2SO4. Alternative ashless organic binders are proposed for the same purpose: polyacrylamide-GS (PAA-GS) and of NH4-CMC. Based on the PAA-GS binder has been developed with a new composition of the charge of Mo-concentrate granulation,%  weight:  Mo concentrate 97.5%; kaolin 2%, polymer PAA-GS 0.5%, in compare with an existing composition (10% kaolin, rest - Mo concentrate) that facilitates the recovery of Re, Mo from the calcine and being devoid of lack in charge with the SK binder.

Keywords: candle, molybdenite concentrates, binder, kaolin, organic polymer


* Binder of Mo concentrate’s pelletizing charge – polyacrylonitrile;

* Binder of Mo concentrate’s pelletizing charge – polyacrylamide-GS.

* Binder of Mo concentrate’s pelletizing charge - NH4-CMC;

* Development of organic binders, charge components with Mo concentrate;

* Charge’s composition,%: Mo concentrate 97.5; kaolin 2; PAA-GS 0.5.

Citation:  E.T.Safarov, V.P.Guro, M.A.Ibragimova. Modification of polymeric binder – charge’s component for molybdenum concentrate granulating // Uzbek chemical journal. -2016. –Nr5. –P.48-54.

Received: 19.08.2016; Accepted: 28. 09.2016; Published: 31.10.2016


1. V. P. Guro, F. M. Yusupov,  M. A. Ibragimova. Pelleting  of  Molybdenite  Concentrate  with  Organic-Mineral  Binder  //  AASCIT Communications. 2015. Vol. 2, No. 5. - P. 200-204.

2. V. P. Guro, F. M. Yusupov, M. A. Ibragimova, F. G. Rakhmatkarieva. THE CHOICE OF OPTIMAL BINDER FOR MOLYBDENITE CONCENTRATE GRANULATION // Tsvetnye Metally (Non-ferrous metals). 2016. No. 2. pp. 68-73; DOI:

3. O. Sivrikaya, A.I. Arol. Pelletization of magnetite ore with colemanite added organic binders // Powder Technology, 210 (1): - R.23-28. -2011. DOI:10.1016/j.powtec.2011.02.007.

4.  Pat. 2034055 RF, MPK6 C 22 B 1/243. Sposob polucheniya okatyishey iz zhelezorudnyih koncentratov / Ivanov N. S., Poddubnyiy A. P., Poddubnyiy  A.  A.,  Ivanova  N.  A.,  Zinov`eva  S.  A.  ;  zayavl.  08.07.1992  ;  opubl. 30.04.1995.

5.  Pat. 2227165 RF, MPK6 C 22 B 1/242. Kompleksnoe svyazuyus`hee dlya proizvodstva zhelezorudnyih okatyishey  / Arapov  G. I., CHernyaev  V. F.; zayavi-tel` i patentoobladatel` ZAO "AVA" ; zayavl. 02.07.2003 ; opubl. 20.04.2004.

6. Binder composition for agglomeration of fine minerals and pelletizing process. Patent WO 2013010629 A1 (CA2842457A1), Stefan Dilsky, Clariant International Ltd, Clariant S. A. Brazil, Claim reg. PCT/EP2012/002785, Prior. July 21, 2011, Publ. Jan 24, 2013.

7. Voyuckiy S. S. Kurs kolloidnoy himii. - M. : Himiya, 1964. - 576 s.

8. Safarov E.T., Guro V.P., Ibragimova M.A. Polimernyiy komponent shihtyi granulirovaniya molibdenitovogo koncentrata // Uzb. him. zhurn.- 2016. -¹2. -S.25-30.

9. Muinov B.B., Orudzhov U.S. Aminov SH.H., Agzamhodzhaev A.A., Hamraev S.S., Haspoladov V.SH. Optimizaciya processa s`helochnogo gidroliza othoda proizvodstva volokna "Nitron" metodom matematicheskogo planirovaniya yeks-perimenta // Uzb. him. zhurn. - Tashkent, 2009. - ¹ 3. - S.68-72.

10.   de Moraes S. L., de Lima J. R. B., Neto J. B. F. Influence of dispersants on the rheological and colloidal properties of iron ore, ultrafine particles and their effect on the pelletizing process - A review // The Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 2013. Vol. 2, No. 4. P. 386-391.

11.  Quaicoe I., Nosrati A., Addai J. Influence of binder composition on hematite-rich mixed minerals agglomeration behaviour and product properties // Chemical Engineering Research and Design. 2015. Vol. 97. P. 45-56. DOI: 10.1016/j.cherd.2015.02.021

12.  Boger D. V. Rheology and the minerals industry // Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review. 2000. Vol. 20, No 1. P. 1-25.

13. TSh   64-23283880-07:2013.   Ogarok   promyishlennogo   produkta  mo-libdenovogo. - Tashkent : Uzstandart, 2013.

14.  GOST 2677-78. Ammoniy molibdenovokislyiy. Tehnicheskie usloviya. - Vved. 01-01-1980.

* * *


UDK 661.832.532

A.T.Dadakhodjaev, I.B.Ulbasheva, L.R.Farzutdinova



Abstract. Background.  In Uzbekistan, after start-up and development of potash production in the UE "Dehkanabad Potash Fertilizer Plant" there was the possibility of organizing the production of potassium compounds including potassium sulphate.

Purpose . Organization of production of potassium sulfate from potash of UE "Dehkanabad Potash Fertilizer Plant", ammonium sulfate production of JSC «Maxam-Chirchiq» and mirabilite of Tyumryukskogo field.

Methodology. The conversion method of producing of potassium sulfate from potash and sodium sulfate is applied.

Originality. As a result of experimental studies of producing potassium sulfate from potassium chloride and ammonium sulfate by conversion method it was shown the degree of conversion of the potassium status of ammonium sulfate. The conversion of potassium chloride with mirabilite by recycling of glazerite solution for residue and cooling options was studied.

Findings.  In both embodiments, the potassium sulphate content of potassium in terms of K2O is revealed to be equal to 45-56%. The optimal technological parameters of process steps are developed. Theoretical yield of potassium sulfate using saturated solutions is found to be 55%, and using crystalline ammonium sulfate - 72%. At JSC «Maxam-Chirchiq» the pilot plant for the production of potassium sulphate of potassium chloride and ammonium sulfate is established. Setting batch possesses a capacity of 500-600 tons / year in two-shift operation. The quality of our products meets the requirements of the registered in the Agency "Uzstandard" technical standard Ts 00203068-48: 2015.

Keywords: potassium sulfate, ammonium sulfate, sodium sulfate, mirabilite.


* Применен конверсионный способ производства сульфата калия из хлористого калия и сульфата натрия.

* Качество выпускаемой продукции соответствует техническому стандарту Ts 00203068-48:2015.

Citation:  A.T.Dadakhodjaev, I.B.Ulbasheva, L.R.Farzutdinova. Production of potassium sulfate from local raw material resources // Uzbek chemical journal. -2016. –Nr5. –P.54-59.

Received: 22.10.2016; Accepted: 28.10.2016; Published: 31.10.2016


1. Pozin M.E. Tehnologiya mineral`nyih soley. CHast` 1. L.: "Himiya" 1970. -792 s.

2. Obzor ryinka sul`fata kaliya v Rossii i mire - "Infomayn" M", fevral` 2010 g.

3. Spravochnik "Pererabotka prirodnyih soley i rassolov" (pod redakciey I.D. Sokolova) -L.: "Himiya". -1985. -209s.

4. Patent ¹ 2080291 RF. Kl. SO 1D 5/06. Sposob polucheniya sul`fata kaliya / Safryikin YU.S., Rutkovskaya T.I., Bukina YU.V., Timofeev V.I., Paskina A.V. -1997.

5. Patent ¹ 2108972 RF. Kl. SO 1D 5/06. Sposob obrabotki othodov v vide sul`fata natriya / Hayc SHercberg, Rayner SHlitc, -1998.

6. "Tehnologiya kaliynyih udobreniy", pod obs`hey redakciey d.t.n. V.V. Pechkovskogo, Minsk, vyisshaya shkola, 1978. s. 223.

7. V.A. Grabovenko "Proizvodstvo beshlornyih kaliynyih udobreniy", L., Himiya, 1980.

8. O.D. Koshkarev,, I.D. Sokolov "Tehnologiya kaliynyih udobreniy", ch.III, L., Himiya, 1978, s. 106-243.

9. YU.V. Buksha - Avtoreferat kand. dissert. L., VNIIG, 1977.

10. T.I. Rutkovskaya - Avtoreferat kand. issert. L., VNIIG, 1978.

11. YU.S. Safryigin - Avtoreferat kand. dissert. L., VNIIG, 1978.

12. M.N. Nabiev, R.G. Osichkina, S.T. Tuhtaev "Sul`fat kaliya", G., izd. "Fan", 1988.

* * *


UDC: 685.315:541.64:678

A.T.Ibragimov, D.A.Fayzullaeva, A.S.Rafikov


 Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, Tashkent c.

Abstract. Background. It has long been ready shoes or manufactured part of the component parts, including plantar material are brought to our country from abroad, on the basis of imports, mainly from China. In order, to establish its own production in the footwear industry, osnovonom the use of local raw materials, components and ingredients produced by chemical enterprises of the republic - provide background to ensure import substitution. In this regard, the most important step in solving this problem should start with the joint efforts of scientists from different professions and industry experts on the basis of existing enterprises with the creation of polymeric footwear compositions, followed by the manufacture of materials for shoe sole bottom of the request.

Purpose. identification of possible applications of polymer materials for the manufacture of a bottom of footwear.

Methodology. viscosimetry, pycnometer, thermal analysis.

Originality. So far not carried out such a study related to the use of local raw materials, with a view to the creation of the thermoplastic polymer compositions for the production of sole material shoe bottom. For the first time obtained plantar synthetic materials based on acrylic and vinyl copolymers, which comply with the requirements adopted in the shoe business, and as a result of pilot production tests were recommended for serial production for shoes bottom.

Findings. According to the research in the laboratory set up shoe polymer composition for the manufacture of sole materials. The molecular characteristics, density, and thermal properties of the synthesized copolymers. The molecular weight of the emulsion copolymers of acrylonitrile and n-butyl methacrylate and vinyl acetate is greater than the same copolymers prepared in solution. The emulsion copolymers have a narrower polydispersity. Polyvinyl acetate, low density polyethylene prepared in the presence also has a higher molecular weight. With the increase in its proportion of vinyl acetate copolymer with polyethylene increases the density and the melting point of the material.

Keywords: copolymer of acrylonitrile, n-butyl methacrylate, low-density polyethylene, vinyl acetate.


* Synthesized acrylic and vinyl copolymers.

* The mechanism of interaction and compatibility of components.

* The optimal amount of polyolefin composition in the polymeric materials.

Citation: A.T.Ibragimov, D.A.Fayzullaeva, A.S.Rafikov. Physical and chemical properties of acrylic and vinyl copolymers for footwear // Uzbek chemical journal. -2016. –Nr5. –P.60-65.

Received: 25.07.2016; Accepted: 21. 08.2016; Published: 31.10.2016


1. Sravnitelniy analiz fiziko-mehanicheskih svoystv polimernih podoshvennih materialov / Pavlinov А.V. // Vestn. Каzan. Теhnоl. Un-ta. - 2014. -Т.17. -N14. - S.168-170.

2. Nikitina L.L. Sovremennie polimernie materiali, primenyaemie dlya niza оbuvi / L.L.Nikitina, G.I.Garipova, О.Ye.Gavrilova // Vestnik Каzanskogo tehnоlоgichеskоgо universiseta. – 2011. – Т.14. - N6. – S.150-155.

3. Gimаditdinov R.N. Sovremennie poliuretanovie materiali, primenyaemie dlya niza оbuvi v obuvnoy promishlennosti. // Vestnik Каzanskogo tehnоlоgichеskоgо universiseta. - 2011. - N15. - S.139-140.

4. Struktura i svoystva polivinilhloridnih materialov, modifitsirovannih kompozitnimi chastitsami, poluchennimi zatravochnoy suspenzionnoy polimerizatsiey. / Wang Peichao, Yuan Jingfeng, Yuan Lihuan, Shen Xiaoning, Sun Limin, Pan Mingwang // Gaofenzi cailiao kexue yu gongcheng = Polym Mater. Sci. Technol. Eng. - 2014. –Т.30. -N 4. - S. 55-58.

5. Issledovaniya оmileniya v rasplave sopolimera etilena i vinilatsetata i dinamicheski vulkanizovannie smesi polipropilena i sopolimera etilena i vinilatsetata / Xia Ying, Weng Wei-ming, Guo Jing, Zhang Hong, Guan Fu-cheng // Gaoxiao huaxue gongcheng xuebao = J. Chem. Eng. Chin. Univ. - 2014. – Т.28. -N 2. - S.330-335.

6. О preimushestvax nanotexnologiy pri formirovanii ekologicheski bezopasnih kоmpоzitsiy dlya litya niza оbuvi. Chаst 1 i 2 / Proxorov V.T., Gretskaya L.G., Таrtаnоv А.А., Тihоnоvа N.V., Коzаchеnkо P.N. // Vestn. Каzan. Техnоl. Un-ta. - 2014. – Т.17.-N13. - S.146-151.

7. Vliyanie funktsionalnih elastomernih dobavok nа svostva i strukturnuyu оrganizatsiyu smesevih termoelastoplastov: Аvtоrеf. dis. nа soisk. uch. step. kand. tehn. nauk / Кulachenkova Z.А. - S.-Peterburg. gos. tehnol. in-t (tehn. un-t), Sankt-Peterburg, 2014. - 21 s.

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12. Ibragimov А.Т., Маksudоvа U.М., Rаfikоv А.S. Polimernie kompozitsionnie podoshvennie маtеriаli dlya оbuvnоgо proizvodstva // Uzbekskiy nаuchnо-tеhnichеskiy i proizvodstvenniy jurnal «Коmpоzitsiоnnie mаtеriali» -N1/2016. -S.35-40.

* * *


UDK 547.458.83.

O.R. Akhmedov, Sh.A. Shomurotov, N.T. Muydinov, A.S. Turaev


Institute of  Bioorganic Chemistry of  the Uzbek Academy of  Sciences, Tashkent. e-mail:

Abstract. Background. Despite the fact that the guar gum is inexpensive, safe and readily available raw material one of the main drawbacks of this polysaccharide is the presence in the structure of only hydroxyl groups, which complicate the process obtaining of new derivatives of this polysaccharide. Therefore, the introduction into the structure of guar gum with one or more active reactive functional groups allows not only to simplify the process of obtaining new derivatives, but also to expand their field of application.

Purpose. To obtain new derivatives of guar gum containing active structure reactive functional groups. To determine optimal conditions of the reaction.

Methodology. The structure and composition of the obtained compounds were studied by infrared spectroscopy, X-ray analysis, and reverse iodometric titration.

Originality. For the first time guar gum derivatives containing in the structure both carboxymethyl and dialdehyde groups were obtained.

Findings. These studies obtained dialdehyde derivatives of carboxymethyl guar gum. The structure and composition of the obtained compounds were studied by infrared spectroscopy, X-ray analysis, and reverse iodometric titration. It was found that concentration of NaIO4, time and the size γ affects the degree of oxidation of  Na-KMGK. The optimal conditions for the reaction allowing entering the required amount of carboxymethyl and aldehyde groups in the structure of guar gum were found.

Keywords: guar gum, carboxymethylation, degree of substitution, solubility, periodate oxidation, dialdehyde derivatives, oxidation rate.


* New  derivatives of guar gum were obtained.

* Their properties were studied.

Citation: O.R. Akhmedov, Sh.A. Shomurotov, N.T. Muydinov, A.S. Turaev. Synthesis of carboxymethyl and dialdehyde guar gum derivatives // Uzbek chemical journal. -2016. –Nr5. –P.65-72.

Received: 25.07.2016; Accepted: 14. 08.2016; Published: 31.10.2016


  1. Olenikov D. N., Kashenko N. I. Polisaharidy sovr emennoe sostoyanie izuchennosti: eksperimentalno – naukometricheskie  issledovaniye // Khimiia rastitel,nogo syr,ia 2014, no. 1, pp. 5-26. (in Russ).
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  5. Akhmedov O.R., Shamuratov Sh.A., Turaev A.S. Izuchenie himicheskogo vzaimodeystviya modificirovannyh polisaharidov s guanidinom// Sovremennie aktualnye problemy estestvennyh nauk. Aktobe, 2014, vol.1, pp. 99-102.
  6. Dolgova A.A., Chapala P.P., Krupa I. S., Gumnikova V.I.  Himicheskoe stroenie dialdegiddekstranov – polimerov nositeley v medicinskih kompoziciyah dlya zamesheniya kostnoy tkani// Uspehi v khimii I himicheskoy texnologii. 2012, vol. XXVI, no.3, pp. 91-95. 
  7. Ding W., Zhao P., Li R. Removal of Zn (II) ions by dialdehyde 8-aminoquinoline starch from aqueous solution  // Carbohydrate Polymers, 2011, vol. 83,  pp. 802–805.
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  11. Dodi G., Hritcu D., Popa M.I. Carboxymethylation of guar gum: synthesis and characterization // Cellulose Chemistry & Technology, 2011, vol. 45, pp. 171–176.
  12. Akhmedov O.R., Shamuratov Sh.A., Turaev A.S. Osobennosti sinteza dialdegid proizvodnih polsaharidov // Uzbek Chemical Journal, 2013, no. 1, pp. 30-33.
  13. Akhmedov O.R., Shamuratov Sh.A., Turaev A.S. Vliyanie aktivacii na periodatnoe okislenye cellyulozy // Aktualnye problemy khimii prirodnyh soedineniy, Tashkent, 2012, pp. 134.
  14.  Dyatlov V.A., Kruppa I.S., Mamaeva S.A., Kutergina I.Yu., Gumnikova V.I., Grebenova T.A., Kireev V.V. Izuchenie molekulyarno – massovogo raspredeleniya i frakcionnoy odnorodnosti polisaharidov pri ih periodatnom okislenii  Khimiia prirodnykh soedinenii, 2014, no. 6, pp. 845-849. (in Russ).
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* * *

UDK 547.458.83.

N.T.Muydinov, Sh.A.Shomurotov, O.R.Ahmedov, A.S.Turaev


Institute of  Bioorganic Chemistry of  the Uzbek Academy of  Sciences, E-mail:

Abstract. Background. Various new materials with valuable properties can be obtained by modification of polysaccharides due to the existence of numerous reactive groups. The crosslinking with formaldehyde is considered as one of the modification method for polysaccharides, which enables obtaining of compounds with a high swelling capacity.

Purpose. The aim of the study is investigation of features of chemical crosslinking reaction of polygalacturonic acid with formaldehyde, and study of dependence of the degree of swelling of polygalacturonic acid upon the degree of crosslinking.

Methodology. In the studies physical and chemical methods of analysis were used, in particular, the structure of the samples was studied by IR spectroscopy, the content of formaldehyde bound was determined by spectrophotometry method.

Originality. In the article, features of chemical crosslinking reaction of polygalacturonic acid with formaldehyde was firstly studied, and regulating the degree of swelling of polygalacturonic acid by varying of the degree of crosslinking was established.

Findings. The reaction of polygalacturonic acid and formaldehyde was studied. This reaction occurs between the OH groups of polygalacturonic acid and carbonyl groups of formaldehyde. It has been established that the reaction includes two parallel reactions, which are monofunctional and bifunctional (cross) linking of formaldehyde. The studies showed that in the reaction, -COOH groups of polygalacturonic acid also involves together with -OH groups.

The influence of reaction conditions on the degree of crosslinking of polygalacturonic acid was studied. Increase in degree of crosslinking with increase in the amount of formaldehyde was determined, and the effect of temperature on the reaction rate was not sensible.

Furthermore, the dependence of swelling degree of polygalacturonic acid and the degree of crosslinking was studied. It is found that the swelling degree decreases with increasing in degree of crosslinking of polygalacturonic acid.

Keywords: Polygalacturonic acid, formaldehyde, chemical crosslinking, degree of swelling, chemical modification.


* New swellable materials were obtained.

* Their chemical parameters were also studied.

Citation: N.T.Muydinov, Sh.A.Shomurotov, O.R.Ahmedov, A.S.Turaev. Study of features of chemical crosslinking of polygalacturonic acid with formaldehyde // Uzbek chemical journal. -2016. –Nr5. –P.72-78.

Received: 25.07.2016; Accepted: 28.08.2016; Published: 31.10.2016


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4. Rabinovich I.M. Primenenie polimerov v medicine. L. : Himiya, 1972.-178s.

5. Ahmedov O.R., SHomurotov SH.A., Muydinov N.T., Turaev A.S. Karboksimetilirovanie guarovoy kamedi // Aktual`nyie problemyi otrasley himicheskoy promyishlennosti. Buhara. 2015, 10-12 noyabr`. -S.130-131.

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8. Garcia-saldana J., Campas-Baypoli O. N., Lopez-Cervantes J. Sanchez-Machado. Microencapsulation of sulforaphane from broccoli seed extracts by gelatin/gum arabic and gelatin/pectin complexes // Food Chemistry. 2016, Vol.201,-P. 94-100

9. SHomurotov SH.A., Muydinov N.T., Ahmedov O.R., Turaev A.S. Issledovanie molekulyarno-massovyih harakteristik karboksimetilcellyulozyi i poligalakturonovoy kislotyi pri gidroliticheskom rass`heplenii // Uzbekskiy himicheskiy zhurnal. 2015. -N4. -S.15-18.

10.  SH.A.SHomurotov, A.S.Boymirzaev, Muydinov N.T., A.S.Turaev  Issledovanie molekulyarno-massovyih harakteristik proizvodnyih karboksimetilcellyulozyi i poligalakturonovoy kislotyi // Sovremennyie aktual`nyie problemyi estestvennyih nauk. Aktobe, 2014. -T.1. -S. 41-44.

11.  Dyatlov V.A., Kruppa I.S., Mamaeva. S.A., Kutergina I.YU., Gumnikova V.I., Grebenova T.A., Kireev V.V. Izmenenie molekulyarno-massovogo raspredeleniya i frakcionnoy odnorodnosti polisaharidov pri ih periodatnom okislenii // Himiya prirodnyih soedineniy. 2014. -N6. -S. 845-849.

12.  Zegota H. High-performance liquid chromatography of methanol released from pectins after its oxidation to formaldehyde and condensation with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine //Journal of Chromatography. 1999, Vol. 863. -P.227-233.


* * *

UDK 54-145.82

F.M.Yusupov, G.M.Bekturdiev, E.N.Kurbanov, G.A.Baymatova, D.A.Toshmatov


Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of AS of the RUz, Tashkent, E-mail

Abstract. Background. One of the reasons for the decrease in the efficiency of operation of wells, is the formation of salts that are deposited in the bottomhole zone of wells and surface oilfield equipment. As a rule, salt deposits are: on the walls of the lower portion of production casing, in the offices and working bodies of the centrifugal and rod pumps the inner surface of the tubing. There are formed centers of crystallization and produce new deposits. The scale layer drastically degrades the conductivity of the walls and reduces the cross section of the pipe system of water supply, a decrease and, ultimately, leads to their emergency condition.

Purpose. Identifying the nature of the solid salt deposits on the inner surface of oilfield equipment, as well as the development of the method of removal.

Methodology. To determine the effectiveness of removing deposits from the surface of the heat developed by the inhibited acid solutions, RTO-1 and RTO-2 were carried out on sediment samples from heat-exchange equipment fishing Kokdumalak. To determine the content of oil products in sediments using the method of extraction with hexane in Soxhlet apparatus. Corrosion measurement was carried out according to existing standards.

Originality. Solid crystalline deposits and scum from inner surfaces of pipes and heat exchangers are kept firmly on the tube walls. New inhibited solutions are effective and applicable to modern equipment. They are derived from local raw materials and safe, in respect to corrosion to process equipment.

Findings. Specified analyzed the composition of deposits. The results of the study of solutions of the RTO-1 and RTO - 2 for the removal of deposits at different temperatures.

Keywords: Crystallization, scaling, dissolution, scale layer, scale formation, corrosion, thermal conductivity.


• New products solutions brand RTO-1 and RTO-2 are obtained.

• They are designed to remove the scaling in the pipes.

Citation: F.M.Yusupov, G.M.Bekturdiev, E.N.Kurbanov, G.A.Baymatova, D.A.Toshmatov. The development of new inhibited solutions for removal of solid deposits from the surface of oilfield equipment // Uzbek chemical journal. -2016. –Nr5. –P.78-84.

Received: 30.03.2016; Accepted: 04.10.2016; Published: 31.10.2016


  1. Shangaraeva L.A., Petuhov A.V. Issledovaniya adsorbcionno-desorbcionnyh svoystv sostava dlya predodtvrasheniya soleotlojeniy v skvajonnom oborudovanii. // Jurnal “Sovremennye problemу nauki I obrazovaniya”. 2012.- Vypusk N6. –C.34-39.
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  5. Belyh S.I., Zimbovskaya E.F., Liogonkoy B.I., Berlin A.A. Sintez rastvorimyh polyaminoamodokislot na osnove diangidrida 1,4,5,8-naftalintetrakarbonovoy kisloty v prisutstvii neorganicheskih soley// Jurnal vysokomolekulyarnye soedineniya 1972. -T.(A) XIV. -N 5. -S.1215-1220.
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  11. Juravlev V.A., Chausov F.F., Savinskiy S.S. Konkurenty i rost kristallicheskoy I amorfnoy faz v vodnyh rastvorah karbonata I nitrometilfosfonatakalciya// Poverhnost. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye I neytronnye issledovaniya. 2006. -N 5. –S.92-99.
  12. Lofanov E.V., Kolotygin O.A. Patent RF Nr 2331591. 2208.


* * *

UDK 665.7.038.64

N.Sh. Mukhtarov, B.N. Hamidov, B.H. Ubaidullaev


Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

Abstract. Background. In recent years there has been a steady increase in global demand for diesel fuel. The production of winter diesel fuel means a fuel compliance standards. There is a need to develop a new paraffin dispersants, which would be cheaper, easy to manufacture and would be universal for different depressants, as the best means of improving the low temperature properties of diesel fuels is the use of depressant-dispersant additives.

Purpose – development of the paraffin dispersant for diesel fuel on the basis of alkyl methacrylates

Methodology. The author used a set of classical and modern research methods allow to determine physical, physical and chemical characteristics, functional composition, to study the processes occurring in diesel fuel, subjected to various processes. In the synthesis of the paraffin dispersant used in oil-soluble nitrogen-containing organic compound possessing surface-active properties to the system – the crystals of the wax – liquid hydrocarbon fuel, which are fatty aliphatic amines with a long alkyl radicals from C16 to C24. The reaction proceeded by the mechanism of nucleophilic accession of the amine to the double bond.

Consistently carried out the synthesis of alkyl esters of acrylic and itaconic acids, by the esterification of acrylic acid with fatty alcohols in a solvent using an acid catalyst, and then realized the reaction of the obtained acrylate with primary and secondary amines.

Originaliti. For the first time on the basis of the synthesized compounds (n-alkyl esters of acrylic acid) developed a new paraffin dispersant.

Findings. developed a new package of depressor-dispersant additive consisting of a new paraffin dispersant (KD-27) and the depressant additive keroflux 6180 in the ratio 1:3, allows on the basis of summer diesel fuel of Bukhara refinery brand of EKO-L, to obtain diesel fuel brand of EKO-Z-1 to the State standard of Uzbekistan O´zDSt 1134:2007 Rev. No. 2.

Ключевые слова: депрессорная присадка, диспергатор парафинов, дизельное топливо, предельная температура фильтруемости, синтез аминов. 

Highlights: developed paraffin dispersant can be successfully used in tandem with a variety of commercially available dispersant additives.

Citation: N.Sh. Mukhtarov, B.N. Hamidov, B.H. Ubaidullaev. Development and practical use of the paraffin dispersant for diesel fuel  // Uzbek chemical journal. -2016. –Nr5. –P.84-90.

Received: 08.08.2016; Accepted: 31.08.2016; Published: 31.10.2016


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4. Muhtorov N.Sh., Kolokolnikov A.S., Chugunov M.A. Vliyanie sostava i structuri sopolimerov na osnove alkilmetakrilatov na ih depressornie svoystva v dizelnih toplivah // Mir nefteproduktov. – 2013.-N9. –S. 54-59.

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6. Agaev S.G., Glazunov A.M., Gultyaev S.V., Yakovlev N.S. Uluchshenie nizkotemperaturneh svoystv dizelneh topliv. Monografiya. – Tulen: TumGNGU, 2009. – 145s.

7. Agaev S.G., Sheveleva M.G., Shabrova L.A. Osobennosti fazovih perehodov v uglevodorodah ostatochneh masel // Himiya i tehnologiya topliv i masel. – 1990. –N 11. – S. 29-31.

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9. Muhtorov N.Sh., Hamidov B.N., Ubaydullaev B.H. Sintez depressornoy prisadki na osnove alkilmetakrilatov i mehanizm eyo deystviya v dizelnih toplivah i maslah // Uzbekskiy jurnal nefti i gaza. -2016. -N 2. – S. 53-55. 

10. Bashkatova S.T., Golubenko Y.S., Vinokurov V.A., Vishnyakova T.P., Tayc V.V., Demidovskiy K.V. Kompozitsionnaya depressornaya prisadka k dizelnim toplivam // Himiya i tehnologiya topliv i masel. – 2001. –N 3. – S. 27-30.

 11. Ivanov V.I., Hrapov V.S., Dushechkin A.P., Shapkina L.N. Sopolimeri etilena s alkilmetakrilatami kak depressornie prisadki k dizelnomu toplivu //  Himiya i tehnologiya topliv i masel. – 1981. –N 11. – S. 41-42.

12. Muhtorov N.Sh., Hamidov B.N., Ubaydullaev B.H. Razrabotka innovatsionnih tehnologiy polucheniya topliv i masel s uluchshennimi ekspluatatsionnimi svoystvami // Uzbekskiy jurnal nefti i gaza. -2016. – Spets. Vipusk. - S. 53-55.


* * *

UDK 665.5



Institute of General and Inorganic chemistry of Academy of Sciences of Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

Abstract. Background: The number of high-octane gasoline fractions required from market is constantly growing. The constant increase in the consumption of gasoline entails the consideration of options for creating a complete set of processes for the production of high-octane gasoline fractions in refineries. The alternative to this is the use of octane booster additives in the process of producing gasoline at the refinery.

Purpose - research of motor gasoline AI-80 to improve its ecological and detonation properties and compliance with the requirements of modern European specifications.

Methodology: The research has based on a set of classic and modern methods, allowing to determine the physical and chemical characteristics, functional composition, to study processes occurring in the initial motor gasoline and gasoline subjected to various processes of gentrification, in particular, dearomatization, as well as to establish the chemical compositions, structure, chemical nature and their stability. As the object of the study was taken the gasoline AI-80.

Originality: For the first time the effect of octane booster additives MMA (monomethyl aniline) and MTBE (methyl tertiary butyl ether) on the commercial gasoline AI-80 with identifying ways to improve its detonation properties was investigated

Findings: With the additive MTBE, the octane number of gasoline AI-80 by IM (investigation method) increased from 80.8 to 90.2. When adding MMA in the amount 0.5-2.5 vol.% to the base gasoline of AI-80, the octane number increased by MM (motor method) to an average of 2.8 units and by IM to 4.3.

Key words: gasoline, isopropyl alcohol (IPA), methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), monomethyl aniline (ММА), octane number


* Increasing of the octane number gasoline AI-80 by adding additives MMA and MTBE was established.

* The changes of physical - chemical properties of gasoline before and after adding of additives were determined.

Citation: M.J.Makhmudov. Study of the influence of octane booster additives on the quality of gasoline AI-80  // Uzbek chemical journal. -2016. –Nr5. –P.91-96.

Received: 10.06.2016; Accepted: 15.08.2016; Published: 31.10.2016


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