UDK 546.544.543.548
1S. N. Kamolov, 1B. N. Babayev, 2A. N. Qayumov, 3A. B. Ibragimov
1National University of Uzbekistan named after MirzoUlug'bek, 2Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, 3AS RUz Institute of general and inorganic chemistry. E-mail: sanjark855@gmail.com
Abstract. Background. There is a need for coordination compounds that exhibit biological activity. The study of their structures using physical research methods is relevant.
Purpose. Synthesis of the coordination compound of p-nitroaniline with Cu(NO3)2 salt, study of its composition and structure by physical research methods.
Methodology. During the synthesis process, a magnetic stirrer was used, the structure of complex compounds was studied using X-ray diffraction analysis, infrared (BrukerInvenioS-2021), ultraviolet (Specord 200 Plus) spectroscopic, thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis (model: KL). -JS-100A) methods.
Originality. The conditions for the synthesis of coordination compounds with Cu(NO3)2 salt of p-nitroaniline were studied, and their structure was determined by physical research methods.
Findings. P-nitroaniline is a 3d metal coordination compound synthesized with copper metal, the central copper (II) ion is located at the center of the crystallographic inversion. Each of the two p-nitroaniline molecules coordinates a metal ion through a nitrogen atom NH2 the remaining two positions of the coordination sphere are occupied by water molecules.
Key words: p-nitroaniline, biological activity, 3d metal, infrared, ultraviolet spectroscopy, thermogravimetry, differential thermal analysis.
- p-nitroaniline, reaction of metal salt and water;
- the structure of coordination compounds was analyzed.
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To cite this article: S. N. Kamolov, B. N. Babayev, A. N. Qayumov, A. B. Ibragimov. Study of a new single crystal obtained on the basis of p-nitroaniline and copper nitrate by physical research methods // Uzbek chemical journal. -2023. – Nr6. - Pp.3-9.
Received: 22.01.2024; Accepted: 29.01.2024; Published: 31.01.2024
* * *
UDK 546.11
M. A. Mamirzayev, S. A. Tuychiev
Uzbekistan-Finland Pedagogical Institute, 140104, Samarkand, Republic of Uzbekistan E-mail: mashrab87@mail.ru
Abstract. Background. The study of the degree of functionality of carboxyl groups, the influence of mass ratios of reagents on the yield and properties of products is relevant.
Purpose. To determine options for the formation of functional groups on the surface of MGU when modified with zirconium stearate.
Methodology. It has been shown that the formation of functional groups is possible at the level of functionality of mesoporous carbon with a mass ratio (C17H35COOH+ZrO2): MGU of more than 0.4:1 and carboxyl groups of at least 0.6 mmol/g.
Originality. The composition of the reagents was selected in which zirconium atoms are coordinated with the surface of the MSU, and MSU are coordinated with the stearate-zirconate groups, having good compatibility with non-polar solvents.
Findings. It was established that the zirconium (IV) atom, as part of the functional groups, is associated with two stearate ions and two carboxyl groups on the surface of the MGU.
Key words: mesopores, carbon, zirconium, stearic acid, diffraction pattern, IR spectrum, thermogram.
- checking the patterns of functionalization of mesoporous carbon
- the zirconium(IV) atom is bonded to two stearate ions and carboxyl groups.
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To cite this article: M. A. Mamirzayev, S. A. Tuychiev. Verifying the functionality laws of mesoporous carbon // Uzbek chemical journal. -2023. – Nr6. - Pp.9-18.
Received: 11.12.2023; Accepted: 26.01.2024; Published: 31.01.2024
UDK 631.833.2
1G. B. Temirov, 1U. K. Alimov, 2B. O. Numanov, 1Sh. S. Namazov, 1D. A. Kaymakova
1Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, 2Kokand State Pedagogical Institute, Kokand, Uzbekistan
Abstract. Background. A waste product from the production of phosphate fertilizers is phosphogypsum (PG). About 7 billion tons of it have already been accumulated in the world, with an annual increase of up to 180 million tons. At Ammofos-Maxam JSC, ammophos is produced from washed, calcined phosphorite concentrate with a calcium modulus of 1.9-2.0, with the consumption of sulfuric acid 4.3-4.4 tons and an increase of 7.2-7.8 tons of phosphogypsum in dumps.
Purpose. Study of the filtration process of a conversion suspension obtained from the interaction of phosphogypsum with sodium carbonate.
Methodology. The conversion of phosphogypsum was studied in a reactor with stirring at 250 rpm. The stoichiometry of the sodium carbonate norm was taken as 100% at its 30% concentration. The conversion coefficient was calculated, and the phosphomel composition was determined by X-ray fluorescence (XRF, Epsilon 4 USA).
Scientific novelty. The influence of conversion duration and conversion factor on the suspension filtration rate was determined.
Originality. The optimal conversion condition was found: stoichiometric rate of sodium carbonate 100%, concentration 20%, time 60 min. The phosphogypsum conversion rate is 96.71%. The filtration rate was found, which is acceptable for the hardware design of the process of sodium sulfate and building chalk.
Key words: phosphogypsum, sodium carbonate, conversion, filtration rate, conversion coefficient, phosphomel.
- increasing the conversion time of FG with Na2CO3 increases the conversion ratio;
- an increase in the conversion ratio reduces the filtration rate of the suspension.
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20. TemirovG., AlimovU., SeytnazarovА.,TojievR., NamazovSh., and HonkeldievaМ. Study of phosphogypsum conversion from Kyzylkumphosphorites with soda ash solution. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1142 (2023) 012066. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1142/1/012066
To cite this article: G. B. Temirov, U. K. Alimov, B. O. Numanov, Sh. S. Namazov, D. A. Kaymakova. Study of the filtration rate of a suspension obtained based on the conversion of phosphogypsum from Kyzykum phosphorite with sodium carbonate // Uzbek chemical journal. -2023. – Nr6. - Pp.18-24.
Received: 29.12.2023; Accepted: 22.01.2024; Published: 31.01.2024
UDK 631.846:321
A. N. Ahmadjonov, U. K. Alimov, T. J. Pirimov, D. A. Kaymakova, Sh. S. Namazov
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Abstract. Background. In magnesium technology, the stage of raw material enrichment is one of the most important. In the republic these include the Arvaten serpentinites. It was necessary to study the composition and properties of the nitric acid suspension from this raw material, and the filtrate for its further industrial processing.
Purpose. Study of the composition, rheological properties of nitric acid suspension and filtrate of serpentinite from the Arvaten deposit.
Methodology. The decomposition of serpentinite with nitric acid, 20-50%, at a rate of 90 and 100% of stoichiometry, was carried out at 80 and 90°C, stirring, for 3 hours. After decomposition, the suspension was filtered. The proportions of CaO, MgO, Fe2O3 and Al2O3 were determined complexometrically, nitrogen - by the Kjeldahl method.
Originality. The dependence of changes in the composition and rheology of the filtrate and suspension on concentration, nitric acid rate and temperature has been established. Optimal conditions for processing serpentinite in industry have been found.
Findings. It has been shown that an increase in the concentration of nitric acid to 50% and a norm of 100% of stoichiometry leads to thickening at 20 and 40°C. On the other hand, at the same time, rheology indicators increase, and an increase in temperature reduces the rheological indicators of the suspension. The optimal concentration and rate of HNO3 are 30% and 100%, temperature 90°C, time 3 hours.
Key words: serpentinite, nitric acid, rate, composition, density, viscosity, temperature.
- an increase in HNO3 concentration above 50% leads to thickening of the suspension;
- an increase in the HNO3 rate reduces the content of components in the filtrate;
- an increase in temperature reduces the density and viscosity of the nitric acid suspension
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18. Ahmadjonov A., Alimov U., Tuychi P., Seitnazarov A., Reimov A., Namazov Sh.and SadullayevS. Effect of temperature on the kinetics of the process of nitric acid decomposition of Arvaten serpentinite. //IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1142 (2023) 012034. https://doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1142/1/012034
To cite this article: A. N. Ahmadjonov, U. K. Alimov, T. J. Pirimov, D. A. Kaymakova, Sh. S. Namazov. Rheological properties of nitric acid processing products of serpentinite from Arvatens deposit // Uzbek chemical journal. -2023. – Nr6. - Pp.24-30.
Received: 19.01.2024; Accepted: 30.01.2024; Published: 31.01.2024
UDK 666.193.2/363.3
1M. N. Kazakova, 1A. A. Eminov, 1M. Toreniyazov, 2T. U. Pardaev
1Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2Yangier branch of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, E-mail: kazakova.munira@mail.ru
Abstract. Background. One of the problems of the silicate industry is the expansion of the raw material base. The most acceptable raw materials for the production of thermal insulation materials are serpentinites
Purpose. Study of the mineralogical composition and structure of serpentinites of the Arvaten deposit for the production of heat-insulating materials.
Methodology. Methods of chemical analytical, X-ray diffraction, electron microscopic, and energy dispersive research were used.
Originality. The composition and morphology of serpentinite rocks from the Arvaten deposit were determined to establish their suitability for the production of thermal insulation materials for various purposes.
Findings. The content of the main rock-forming oxides and the composition of the components of the Arvaten serpentinite were determined. The morphological structure of the samples was studied. The results indicate their suitability for producing heat-insulating materials using stone casting methods.
Key words: serpentinite, mineral, thermal insulation, mineralogy, X-ray phase analysis
- the elemental compositions of serpentinite rock have been established;
- silicon, aluminum, iron, magnesium, calcium, sodium in the composition;
- the mineralogical composition and structure of serpentinite were determined;
- serpentinites, olivines, serpentine, actinolite and magnetite were identified.
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2. Kadyrova Z.R., Bugaenko V.A., Usmanov Kh.L., Sabirov B.T., Khodzhaev N.T. The influence of heat treatment on the chemical and mineralogical composition of serpentinite rocks. //Uzbek chemical. magazine. – 2009.-N6.- P.41-44. (in Russian)
3. Goldin B.A., Kozaru T.V., Kuznetsov I.G. Forsterite ceramics for radio electronics based on serpentinites of the KOMI Republic. // Abstract. Dokl. All-Russian Conf. -Syktyvkar. -2001. -P. 177. (in Russian)
4. Promising raw materials for forsterite ceramics / Goldin B.A., Tregubov S.V., Dudkin B.N., Ryabkov Yu.I., Kozaru T.V. // Abstract. report All-Russian scientific and practical conf. -Moscow. -2000. -P. 34-37. (in Russian)
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6. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 28, 2022 No. UP-60. About the Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026. https://lex.uz › (in Russian)
7. Khodzhaev N.T., On the prospects for searching for ore and non-metallic raw materials in serpentinite development areas. //Tr. N.T. Conf. “Modern problems of geology of development of the mineral resource base of the Republic of Uzbekistan.” -T. - 2007. -P.115-118. (in Russian)
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11. Kovba L.M., Trunov V.K. X-ray phase analysis. -M.: Moscow University Publishing House, 1969. -160 p. (in Russian)
12. Tolkachev S.S. Tables of interplanar distances. -L.: Chemistry, 1968. -132 p. (in Russian)
13. ASTM - X-Ray Powder Diffraction Data File American Society for Testing and Materials., Philadelphia, Pa, 1988.
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16. Vlasov A.I., Elsukov K.A., Kosolapov I.A. Electron microscopy: textbook. allowance. -M.: Publishing house of MSTU named after N.E. Bauman, 2011.-168 p. (in Russian)
To cite this article: M. N. Kazakova, A. A. Eminov, M. Toreniyazov, T. U. Pardaev. Chemical-mineralogical composition and structure of serpentinites of the Arvatensk deposit // Uzbek chemical journal. -2023. – Nr6. - Pp.31-37.
Received: 24.01.2024; Accepted: 31.01.2024; Published: 31.01.2024
UDK 666.646.364
Al. A. Eminov, J. J. Sulaymonov, S. S. Tairov, A. A. Eminov
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. E-mail: saidamir0232@yandex.ru
Abstract. Background. One of the directions for recycling industrial waste is the use of iron-containing dust from gas purification for the preparation of ceramic masses in order to obtain facing slabs.
Purpose. Study of the properties of iron-containing waste - gas purification dust in metallurgy, development of ceramic compositions for facing slabs.
Methodology. Methods of chemical and x-ray phase analysis were used. The physical and mechanical indicator is determined according to GOST 6141-91 and O’zSt 823-97.
Originality.The possibility of introducing 5-25% iron-containing waste into the composition of the ceramic mass of facing slabs - dust from gas purification of metallurgical industries, due to sintering and recrystallization, with the formation of minerals g-hematite- g-Fe2O3, α-hematite α-Fe2O3, partially wustite FeO, fayalite Fe2SiO4, quartz SiO2 and pyrite FeS2.
Findings. The chemical and mineralogical composition of gas purification dust has been determined. It was revealed that the introduction of 5-25% of it has a positive effect on the intensification of sintering and the physical and mechanical properties of ceramics.
Key words: ceramic, facing tiles, metallurgical waste, gas purification dust, dune sand, pegmatite, bentonite, kaolin.
- the introduction of 5-25% gas purification dust leads to a decrease in temperature;
- at high temperatures α, γ-hematite, fayalite, quartz, and pyrite are formed.
1. Moroz I.I. Technology of building ceramics. -Moscow: Publishing house. EKOLIT, 2011. -383 p. (in Russian)
2. Kanaev V.K. New technology of building ceramics. -M.: Stroyizdat, 1990. -263 p. (in Russian)
3. Pavlova I.A., Zemlyanoy K.G., Farafontova E.P. Fundamentals of technology of non-metallic and silicate materials. -Ekaterinburg: Ural University Publishing House, 2020.-192 p. (in Russian)
4. Vakalova T.V., Khabas T.A., Reva I.B. Workshop on the basics of technology of refractory non-metallic and silicate materials. -Tomsk: Publishing house Tomsk PU, 2013.- 176 p. (in Russian)
5. Guryeva V.A. Design of production of building ceramics products. -Orenburg, 2013.-179 p. (in Russian)
6. Botvinkin O.K., Klikovsky G.I., Manuylov L.A. Laboratory workshop on general silicate technology and technical analysis of building materials. – M.: Stroyizdat, 1966. –P.76-93. (in Russian)
7. Kadyrova Z.R., Bugaenko V.A., Eminov A.A., Sabirov B.T. Study of raw materials resources and industrial waste of Uzbekistan for the production of refractory materials // Refractories and technical ceramics. -2010.-No.4.-P.64-67. (in Russian)
8. Goncharov Yu.I. Raw materials of the silicate industry. -M.: ed. Association of Construction Universities, 2009. -123 p. (in Russian)
9. Geological and economic monitoring of the state and use of the mineral resource base of nonmetallic raw materials in Uzbekistan. Report on topic No. 647 for 2003-2005. Tashkent, 2005 Leading executive Ergeshev A.M. and others, Research Institute of Mineral Resources (IMR) of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Geology and Mineral Resources. (in Russian)
10. Kovba L.M., Trunov V.K. X-ray phase analysis. -M.: Moscow University Publishing House, 1969. -160 p. (in Russian)
11. Tolkachev S.S. Tables of interplanar distances. -L.: Chemistry, 1968.-132 p. (in Russian)
12. ASTM – X-Ray Powder Diffraction Data File American Society for Testing and Materials. -Philadelphia: Pa, 1988. (in Russian)
13. Poluboyarinov D.N., Popilsky R.Ya. Workshop on ceramics and refractories technology. -M.: Stroyizdat, 1972.- 354 p. (in Russian)
14. Chemical technology of ceramics. Edited by I.Ya.Guzman. -Moscow: LLC RIF "Stroymaterialy", 2003.-496 p. (in Russian)
15. GOST 6141-91. Glazed ceramic tiles for interior wall cladding. Technical conditions. (in Russian)
To cite this article: Al. A. Eminov, J. J. Sulaymonov, S. S. Tairov, A. A. Eminov. Composition and properties of ceramic mass using metallurgical waste // Uzbek chemical journal. -2023. – Nr6. - Pp.37-42.
Received: 26.01.2024; Accepted: 31.01.2024; Published: 31.01.2024
UDK 666.622
1O. O. Zhanabaev, 2A. M. Eminov, 2Т. U. Pardaev, 1A. P. Purkhanatdinov
1Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2Yangier branch of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, E-mail: orazimbet26@gmail.com
Abstract. Background. The need for thermal insulation materials is growing in Karakalpakstan. Due to the shortage of clay raw materials, expanding the local raw material base and developing the required products based on it is urgent.
Purpose. Study of chemical and mineralogical compositions and determination of the suitability of raw materials for the production of thermal insulation materials with specified properties.
Methodology. The studies were carried out using chemical-analytical, X-ray diffraction and other research methods adopted in the technology of silicate materials.
Originality. The chemical-mineralogical, granulometric compositions and suitability of clays from the Kushkanatau and North-Jamansay deposits for the production of thermal insulation materials have been determined.
Findings. The content of oxides was determined, the mineralogical composition of clays was studied. The results obtained indicate the suitability of the raw material for the production of thermal insulation materials.
Key words: clay, deposit, mineral, thermal insulation, X-ray phase analysis, fraction.
- the mineralogical composition of the clays of Karakalpakstan has been established;
- silicon, aluminum, iron, alkaline earth elements in the composition were determined;
- the content of clay and rocky minerals was determined.
1. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, dated January 28, 2022 No. UP-60 On the Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026. https://lex.uz › (in Russian)
2. Augustinik A.I. Ceramics. - Leningrad: Stroyizdat, 1975. - 592 p. (in Russian)
3. Budnikov P.P. Chemical technology of building materials. -M.: Publishing house. lit. according to construction, 1972. -545 p. (in Russian)
4. Burlakov G.S. Fundamentals of technology of ceramics and artificial porous aggregates. Textbook for colleges. -Moscow: "Higher School", 1972. -424 p. (in Russian)
5. Gorlov Yu.P., Merkin A.P., Ustenko A.A. Technology of thermal insulation materials. Textbook for universities. – M.: Stroyizdat, 1980.-399 p. (in Russian)
6. Botvinkin O.K., Klikovsky G.I., Manuylov L.A. Laboratory workshop on general silicate technology and technical analysis of building materials. – M.: Stroyizdat, 1966. –P.76-93.
7. Kadyrova Z.R., Purxanatdinov A.P., Niyazova Sh.M. Study of Karakalpakstan bentonite clay for producing ceramic heat-insulating materials.// Refractories and Industrial Ceramics. -2021. -Vol. 61. -No 5. -P. 478-480.
8. Kadyrova Z.R., Purkhanatdinov A.P., Niyazova Sh.M. Physico-chemical study of bentonite clays of Karakalpakstan for the production of ceramic heat-insulating materials. // New refractories. -2020.- No. 8. -P.3-5. (in Russian)
9. Samanov Zh.S., Kurbaniyazov K.K., Ibragimov O.Zh. Geology and minerals of Karakalpakstan. – Tashkent: Publishing house. "FAN", 1972. -145 p. (in Russian)
10. Eminov A.M., Abdurakhmanov A.K., Uteniyazov K.K., Khozhametova B.K. Bentonite clays of Karakalpakstan and ways of using them in the production of ceramic materials.// Uzbek Chemical Journal. -No. 2. -1998. -P.46-49. (in Russian)
11. Kurbaniyazov K.K., Zakirov M.Z. Bentonites of Karakalpakstan. -Tashkent: Publishing house. “FAN” UzSSR, 1979.-160 p. (in Russian)
12. Kovba L.M., Trunov V.K. X-ray phase analysis. -M.: Moscow University Publishing House, 1969. -160 p. (in Russian)
13. Tolkachev S.S. Tables of interplanar distances. -L.: Chemistry, 1968.-132 p. (in Russian)
14. ASTM – X-Ray Powder Diffraction Data File American Society for Testing and Materials. -Philadelphia: Pa, 1988. (in Russian)
To cite this article: O. O. Zhanabaev, A. M. Eminov, Т. U. Pardaev, A. P. Purkhanatdinov. Thermal insulation materials based on raw material resources of Karakalpakstan // Uzbek chemical journal. -2023. – Nr6. - Pp.42-48.
Received: 26.01.2024; Accepted: 31.01.2024; Published: 31.01.2024
UDK 577.4(575.1)+631.6.02
N. A. Ulashova, B. KH. Kucharov, A. U. Erkaev, R. N. Kim, A. M. Reimov
1Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2Karakalpak State University, Nukus, Karakalpakstan
Abstract. Background. Chlorine-free potassium fertilizers in agricultural chlorophobic crops such as potatoes, grapes, vegetables and citrus fruits, then the use of nitrate, sulfate and other potassium compounds does not lose its importance. In this regard, it is important to produce potassium sulfate based on continuous conversion technology of flotation potassium chloride with sulfate-containing salts and to expand the range of chlorine-free potash products.
Purpose. Study of the physico-chemical properties of sulfate salts of the Aral region for the production of potassium sulfate.
Methodology. The study of physicochemical systems by the isothermal method, determination of the elemental composition and morphological studies of samples were carried out according to the approved methodology.
Originally. The solubility diagram of the system 2Na+, 2К+, Mg2+, //SO42-, 2Cl- - Н2О was theoretically analyzed by the isothermal method at temperatures of 25, 50 and 75°C. It has been established that the salt deposits of the Aral region mainly consist of sodium or magnesium sulfates and/or their mixtures at certain ratios.
Findings. From a theoretical analysis of the system 2К+, 2 Na+, Mg2+//2 Cl- , SO4-2-H2O it was established that at 0°C the volume fraction of schoenite reaches more than 24%, at 25°C the volume fraction of astrakhanite is 15%, and at 75°C the share Glaserite reaches more than 30%.
Key words: system, component, equilibrium, crystallization, astrakhanite, glaserite, schenite, potassium sulfate, diagram, technology, fertilizer.
- theoretical analysis of complex reciprocal 2Na+, 2К+, Mg2+, //SO42-, 2Cl- - Н2О by the isothermal method at temperatures of 25, 50 and 75°C.
- a method for processing sulfate salts in the presence of potassium chloride in 3 directions has been proposed.
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To cite this article: N. A. Ulashova, B. KH. Kucharov, A. U. Erkaev, R. N. Kim, A. M. Reimov. Physical and chemical studies of sulfate salts // Uzbek chemical journal. -2023. – Nr6. - Pp.48-55.
Received: 26.01.2024; Accepted: 31.01.2024; Published: 31.01.2024
UDK 544.01
N. А. Charikov, А.V.Rumyantsev, M. Yu. Matuzenko, V. А. Keskinov, B. S. Zakirov
1St. Petersburg State Technological Institute (Technical University), St. Petersburg, 190013, Russia) e-mail matuzenko@bk.ru 2B. A. Keskinov, associate professor East Kazakhstan State Technical University-Taim. D. Serikbaev, Ust-Kamenogorsk, 070004, Kazakhstan 3B.S.Zakirov, ch. scientific associate of the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, 100170 Republic of Uzbekistan
Abstract. Background. The study of theoretical aspects of considering the solubility diagram of “quasi-simple” multicomponent systems that obey the Zdanovsky rule is relevant.
Purpose. Development of an original algorithm for calculating solubility diagrams.
Methodology. The functional dependences of the excess thermodynamic functions of the solubility diagrams of systems of arbitrary components are calculated.
Originality. A specific type of dependence of the incomplete Gibbs potential is determined and justified.
Findings. The algorithm for calculating solubility is confirmed by specific data from phase diagrams.
Key words: Zdanovsky's rules, “Quasisimple” systems, solubility diagrams, incomplete Gibbs potential, calculation algorithm.
- solubility diagrams of “quasi-simple” multicomponent systems that obey Zdanovsky’s rule are considered;
- cross differentiation conditions for the liquid phase under isother
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To cite this article: N. А. Charikov, А.V.Rumyantsev, M. Yu. Matuzenko, V. А. Keskinov, B. S. Zakirov. Diagrams of solubility of “quasi - simple“multicomponent systems. algorithm of calculation from data the binary sub-systems // Uzbek chemical journal. -2023. – Nr6. - Pp.55-70.
Received: 26.01.2024; Accepted: 31.01.2024; Published: 31.01.2024
UDK 615.776.547.29.297
Sh. K. Samandarov, R. R. Makhkamov, M. L. Nurmanova, F. R. Saidkulov
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, E-mail: samandarovshuxrat228@gmail.com
Abstract. Background. Adsorbents are used in wastewater treatment technologies. Among the non-traditional “green”, effective adsorbents, starch and its derivatives stand out.
Purpose. Synthesis of sodium salt of carboxymethyl starch (CMS) using local corn starch and sodium salt of monochloroacetic acid, determination of optimal conditions for its production.
Methodology. The carboxymethylation reaction of corn starch was carried out using the solid-phase method, and the resulting product was analyzed using physicochemical methods. The absorption of copper ions was determined by the spectrophotometric method.
Originality. In the synthesis of CMC, an increase in humidity by 15-20% was established, with the addition of isopropanol in water as a wetting agent, it increases the efficiency of the reaction, and its optimal conditions were identified.
Findings. Carboxymethyl starch was synthesized using local corn starch and sodium monochloroacetic acid as an esterifying agent, sodium hydroxide as a catalyst and isopropyl alcohol as a wetting agent. The optimal conditions for obtaining a product with a high degree of exchange of 0.92 using an economical method for the synthesis of KMC-Na were determined. It has been established that humidity increases by 15-20% with the addition of isopropanol. as a wetting agent in the synthesis of CMC, it increases the efficiency of the reaction. When the concentration of copper ions in the simulated water sample was 25 mg/l, the dose of CMC was 2 g/l, the degree of removal of copper ions reached 95.0%, and the adsorption capacity of CMC was 15.24 mg/g.
Key words: corn starch, carboxymethyl starch, adsorption, heavy metal ions, adsorption capacity, adsorption efficiency.
- synthesis of Na-CMS by the dry method with increasing humidity to 15-20%;
- the ability of Na-CMS to adsorb metal ions has been studied.
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To cite this article: Sh. K. Samandarov, R. R. Makhkamov, M. L. Nurmanova, F. R. Saidkulov. Obtaining and adsorption properties of carboxymethyl starch based on corn starch // Uzbek chemical journal. -2023. – Nr6. - Pp.71-79.
Received: 05.01.2024; Accepted: 30.01.2024; Published: 31.01.2024
UDK 678.6.732.3.,678.5.:547(07), 677.027
S. Sh. Ernazarova, A. T. Juraev, Yu. H. Karimov, Sh. Sh. Ernazarov, A. I. Xudoyberdiev, A. B. Juraev
Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, E-mail: asror_tcti@mail.ru
Abstract. Background. In textile production, improving the physical and mechanical properties and durable coloring of products is relevant.
Purpose. To study the possibility of dyeing PET fibers based on masterbatches from VPET alcoholysis products and to study the physicochemical and technological properties of Pre Oriented Yarn (POY) fiber.
Methodology. Moisture absorption (GOST 10681-75), density (tex, calibrated weight (XB-620), specific tensile strength (cN/tex) (ASTM D1294, according to CND-16/0414, PROWHITE laboratory, Istanbul, Turkey), GOST were studied 6611.0.1.2-73 The percentage of fiber grease was determined in a YG981-III Fiber Grease Shredder, tested according to GB/T 6504-2008.
Originality. The possibility of using modified masterbatches based on VPET alcoholysis products for dyeing threads has been shown.
Findings. It is shown that the values of the indicators of relative strength, elongation at break, the proportion of lubricant, punta are comparable. In the case of using black masterbatch, it was found that in order to improve the color saturation, it is necessary to increase the concentration of the masterbatch.
Key words: masterbatches, color, recycled polyethylene terephthalate, fiber, production tests, performance properties.
- modified master concentrates based on alcoholysis products VPET;
- use of modified masterbatches for dyeing fibers;
- physico-chemical, technological, strength properties of the analogue.
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To cite this article: Yu. H. Karimov, Sh. Sh. Ernazarov, A. I. Xudoyberdiev, A. B. Juraev. Study of the possibility of obtaining masterbatches for dying polyester fibers based on household polyethylene terephthalate-containing waste // Uzbek chemical journal. -2023. – Nr6. - Pp.79-87.
Received: 24.01.2024; Accepted: 31.01.2024; Published: 31.01.2024
UDK 676.2:675.81
N. R. Kadirova, A. S. Rafikov
Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, E-mail: kadirova-nargis@mail.ru
Abstract. Background. Physico-chemical modification of leather production waste opens up the possibility of their use, which reduces the environmental load on the environment.
Purpose. Establishing a relationship between the components and strength of composite paper from modified leather and waste paper.
Methodology. Modification of fibrous waste in an alkaline solution, differential thermal analysis, testing of physical and mechanical properties.
Originality. An increase in the degree of leather cross-linking during the modification process was established, and the thermal and physical-mechanical properties of the composition were determined.
Findings. Alkaline treatment of chrome shavings promotes the appearance of new polar groups and an increase in the degree of cross-linking of the product. The thermal effects of the leather-waste paper-acrylic emulsion composite characterize the process of adhesion of the sizing agent to the fibers.
Key words: Waste paper, chrome shavings, alkali, paper, thermal effect, strength, bending.
- the heat resistance of treated leather is 8-10% higher than that of untreated leather;
- a thermal effect characteristic of the condensation reaction was identified - 452 J/g;
- the strength and bending of the modified composite increases.
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To cite this article: N. R. Kadirova, A. S. Rafikov. Thermal and mechanical properties of the composition of modified waste tanned leather and waste paper // Uzbek chemical journal. -2023. – Nr6. - Pp.87-94.
Received: 29.01.2024; Accepted: 31.01.2024; Published: 31.01.2024